Protecting Your Ministry from the Flames of Fraud
by Glenn Miller, Jeffrey Klick, and Rodney Harrison
Available in Paper Back or Kindle Edition.
A Pastor or church leader being led away in handcuffs blazes across the screen. National and local newscasters gleefully point out the hypocrisy of yet another fallen Christian. Often a taboo subject, fraud runs rampant in the Body of Christ. This must change, and this book can and will help! Confessions of a Church Felon is a must read for every church leader. Written by the authors of Pastoral Helmsmanship, A Pastor’s Guide to Church Administration, this book will help stem the tidal wave of destruction caused by fraud. Clear, concise, and practical, Confessions will guide the reader through all the steps needed to eliminate fraud. In addition, the book will show you how to walk through the difficulties of dealing with fraud if discovered. The Church must raise the standard of financial integrity, and Confessions will show you how!
Chapter Highlights:
- Real People, Real Pain, and a Real Problem
- Illusions, Myths, and Excuses
- The Inconceivable Nature of Fraud
- The Fraud Triangle
- Fire States: How Protected is Your Ministry?
- Fireproofing Your Ministry
- The Role of Internal Controls
- The Role of Audits
- When Fire Breaks Out
- How to Clean Up After the Fire
- Lessons Learned from the “Church Across Town”
Bruce: “I read [Confessions of a Church Felon] in its entirety the day it arrived. I found it shocking, absorbing, informative, and motivational.”
Wesley: “Whether you are protecting or responding to a church crisis, this is a must read book. The authors’ expertise will quickly guide you to examine current policies frequently overlooked in the church. With practical steps and astonishing data, this resource addresses the “Good Old Boy” and “They would never do that” pattern that paralyzes the ministry and witness of your church by hearing directly from a church felon. Regardless if you are at a small or large church, a pastor or lay leader, this book is a prudent investment for a church seeking to make a healthy impact in the community.”
Becky: “As a church insurance specialist for almost 35 years, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to every church leader desiring financial integrity in their ministry. The stories and resulting damage to the Kingdom are far too familiar. My father, a pastor for over 50 years, frequently cautioned, ‘It is better to prepare and prevent than need to repair and repent.’ These authors offer practical tools to effectively safeguard your ministry.”
Tom: “This is a sobering but extremely vital book for the local church leader, pastor, financial committees, and every lay leader in the church! Do not miss these three leaders of church administration materials challenge all of us to be sure our churches are operating with full integrity and financial responsibility. WOW what a timely book.”
Tony: “Wow…… the stories of actual fraud in the church are disturbing. We need to pay attention. I would think 15 dollars and a few hours of reading is time and money well spent if it can help protect our churches from this serious problem. I think God is calling all ministries to raise the standard of financial integrity across the board. This is an excellent book that will help churches and ministries raise the standard.”
Jerry: “The authors are right on target. Great examples and easy to read.”